A product of EasyVirt

Measure, Analyze and Reduce
the carbon footprint of

With CO2 Scope, organizations can measure, analyze and reduce the CO2 emissions of the IT infrastructure, applications and services.

CO2 Scope®

CO2 Scope® is a solution to monitor and reduce the carbon footprint of the IT Infrastructure: cloud instances, virtual machines, IT services, servers, data centers, etc. Providing automatic KPI, recommendations, and guidelines to reduce the environmental impact of IT services, and involving technical and management objectives.


Measure the carbon emissions and power consumption of the IT infrastructure. Providing the carbon footprint of servers, virtual machines, aplications and IT services, based on their real direct energy consumption and the embodied energy.


Analyze the sources of CO2 emissions and the key areas to optimize the carbon footprint of IT services.


Reduce the environmental impact of IT services with recommendations adapted to your environment, and based on the detailed analysis of metrics and resource consumption of your infrastructure.

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    Everything you need to monitor and reduce carbon emissions in your datacenter

    Embodied and direct energy

    CO2 Scope measures the carbon footprint from the direct energy (electricity consumption) and embodied energy (or grey energy) consumed by applications and services.

    Dashboards and KPIs

    Display the carbon footprint of your servers, virtual machines and IT services, based on their real direct energy consumption and the grey energy of IT equipment. 

    Detailed reports

    The reports provided by CO2Scope® involve all the organization. From technical and financial, to administrative teams. In a language adapted and easy to understand: IT resources, performance, costs, CO2.


    CO2Scope® provides recommendations adapted to your environment, based on the detailed analysis of your data. These recommendations allow you to concretely reduce IT-related CO2 emissions.

    Results from our clients

    “It assured us the best efficiency, integrated into our Green IT approach to minimize our environmental impact: the end of oversized virtual machines equals fewer virtual machines, and therefore less power consumption.…”

    City of Niort

    “It runs in the background, I do not have to worry about its operation, it is a real advantage of the solution. It captures metrics transparently and provides us with automatic reports”

    French National Institute of Agricultural Research- INRA

    “The reports allowed us to delete, resize, and consolidate virtual machines in the infrastructure. Avoiding us the need to purchase new servers and equipment…”

    Metropole of Nantes

    CO2 Scope® provides value to the entire organization and in multiple departments: IT, sustainability, social responsability , financial, Management, etc.

    Fewer servers

    Resize virtual machines

    Higher efficiency

    Reports and KPIs ready

    Less cost

    Reduce operative cost

    Less CO2 emissions

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I measure the CO2 emisions from an internal application?

    Yes, CO2 Scope® can provide you with the emissions of any application running in your infrastructure, CRM, ERP etc. To provide this information we calculate the physical resources that are being used be the application.

    Do I need to involve the CTO of my company ?

    The interface and information provided by CO2 Scope has been designed to provide comprehensive information about CO2 emissions to technical and non-technical teams.

    What is the difference with DC Scope

    CO2 Scope is included in DC Scope and has additional functionalities to manage the infrastructure and operations from an IT and Cost perspective.

    What type of servers can you monitor?

    Currenty we support virtualized servers under VMware technologies (vSphere 6.0 and higher), and instances running in the public cloud of Amazon and Azure. We are working on the integration of virtualized servers with KVM, Nutanix, Hyper-V and Proxmos as well as legacy servers in an upcoming version.

    Is it safe?

    Yes, CO2 Scope is a local application (on-premise), meaning that once deployed, any type of information collected, remains stored locally and with no access from the internet.

    Is it possible to test the product before buying?

    Yes, you can have a 30 days free trial. Please contact us, so we can arrange a POC of the product.

    Download a FREE trial !

    • Quick installation

      CO2 Scope® is installed in less than 15 minutes (the time of deploying the OVA). After that, it automatically starts collecting information from your datacenter.

    • On-premise

      CO2 Scope® is an on-premise solution. All the information, metrics, and analysis are stored and processed locally

    • Read-only access

      CO2 Scope® does not make any changes to the infrastructure as it only requires Read-Only permissions from your vCenter.

      *required fields

      Contact us!


      2, rue Alfred Kastler 44300 Nantes, France

